The level of community benefit funding is expected to rise in coming years as new wind farms connect to the system and with the introduction of a new mandatory community benefit requirement under the Government’s Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS). Projects seeking support under RESS will be required to contribute €2 for every megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity produced, which could be up to three or four times the current industry standard. (Source IWEA 2019).
Whether its solar, wind or other renewable energy, we can help your company more effectively plan its giving strategy. Wind farms are often located in areas of low population density and it can be difficult to identify good local projects and groups to support. Solar farms may be located closer to urban centres and in higher population density areas, but would also benefit from excellent planning. As a company you strive to be strategic and to make an impact. Shouldn’t your giving strategy be equally robust? The Philanthropy Adviser can prepare an independent feasibility / scoping study and giving plan to help you make the best use of available funding and so that local communities see real benefits also. This will be useful if your company is administering the fund directly or using a third-party organisation. Please email or phone for a detailed brochure on this topic.